Clixsense is not enough to make you good money online. You have to join more sites like Clixsense to earn more.

Follow these steps:
1. Signup/register by clicking the links below:

2. You can open these sites all together in different tabs or windows so you can work on them at the same time.
3. Login to your accounts.
4. Click the available ads on each site to get paid.
5. When all ads have been clicked, you are done for the day.

So as of today, you should already be working everyday on 6 sites including Clixsense. It should only take you less than an hour per day to work on all these 6 sites!

Make a record or a list of the sites you have joined. Keep your usernames and passwords so you will never forget.

That's it! If you have more questions, e-mail me at